The Classic can report that at Monday’s faculty meeting, Principal Brian Condon announced a change in how the dress code policy will be enforced. Mr. Condon has instructed adults in the school building to refrain from directly confronting students about potential dress code violations. Instead, they may contact the Guidance Department, which will then decide whether or not the student’s choice of clothing is cause for intervention. Neither teachers nor the dean will issue demerits for dress code violations; Principal Condon will be the only adult able to issue a demerit with respect to the Chancellor’s Regulations— if guidance decides to refer an issue to him.
At the meeting, Mr. Condon referenced The Classic’s report from November regarding dress code and sexism in Townsend Harris.
After we sent him a request for comment on this development, Principal Condon released a statement to The Classic further clarifying the change. His statement can be read in full here.
This is a developing story. We will update with more coverage on the topic, including student and teacher reactions, tomorrow.
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