With the unpleasant events of 2020, it may be in everyone’s best interest to hope for the best in the new year. Although celebrating New Year’s in large groups may not be the way to go during this pandemic, there are many ways to celebrate at home. Here are some ideas for the best decorations for your celebration this New Year’s.
1. Shimmery Backdrops for Instagram Photos
People love to celebrate the New Year with pictures, and creating a glittery backdrop with some fun props is a great way to add to the joy of the event. A simple sparkle fringe (which can be found at local 99 cent stores) can easily be taped to the wall and would be perfect for a kick of shimmer this New Year.
2. Disco Balls
Disco Balls not only bring out 20s vibes, but they can also create a sense of nostalgia.“Disco Balls remind me of dancing with my friends and having fun, which I really miss,” said junior Hanna Zurdziel. Junior Raquel Mulakandov said, “it reminds me the most of New Years.” Purchasing these light reflecting balls for your party can bring your family members together with new moves and grooves for this New Year.
3. Christmas Decorations
There’s no need to take down all of your Christmas decorations just yet—with a little creativity, you can repurpose them to fit the New Year’s spirit. You can put a wooden prop with the numbers 2021 in your Christmas tree, as well as various clocks to symbolize passing time, and confetti for festivity.
4. Number Balloons
Number balloons are not only cute decorations, but they can also be customized to fit any theme of the party, from colors ranging from blue all the way to rose gold. If you want to have a specific color theme, these balloons will definitely help you out. Balloons are also “portable and can be easily placed in different places,” said freshman Christelle Diab. Moving these balloons from the shimmery backdrop to other parts of your house will be easy and convenient.
All in all, these decorations can help make your New Year’s celebration more lively and joyful. They will truly make your guests whip out their cameras and take some pictures for inspiration for their own parties.
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