Following its release in 2014, Haikyuu still takes center stage as one of the most prominent sports anime in the industry. After having aired the show since 2019, Netflix’s license to stream the show expired this past November 1. Many fans were devastated to see the departure of Haikyuu from the mainstream platform.
The anime features young high school freshman Hinata Shoyo. Hinata has an affinity for volleyball, despite his inexperience and difference in skill level from other players his age; therefore, with an intrepid determination, he practices nonstop to make the team.
After he is chosen to join the volleyball team at his new high school, Hinata discovers that he will be playing with his nemesis from middle school Tobio Kageyama. Kageyama is a formidable opponent whose adeptness and mastery of the sport has earned him the nickname “King of the Court.”
Harrisites were disappointed to see the show leave Netflix and many reminisced on their favorite aspects. Freshman Ellie Teytelman said how she loved that the,“focus [of the show] and how they made such a simple type concept was so intriguing.”
Many students enjoyed the show due to their love for volleyball and the characters. The viewers, especially current volleyball players, resonated with the characters’ passion and the adrenaline rush within intense scenes. Freshman Rubi Kim, a member of the junior varsity volleyball team, said, “I played volleyball before watching [the show], so I felt connected to it.”
Although Netflix cut the show from its service, there are still many other platforms that Harrisites can use to continue streaming the show, including Crunchyroll, an American company that distributes anime content for free (but with ads). The website offers viewers a number of various selections for anime films and shows to pick from. Other free sites such as VRV also stream this show.
Sophomore Malcolm Mallari said, “The presentation, the animation, the character progression, the somewhat realistic aspects of the show,” is what ties the story together and will increase the number of viewers for generations to come even with its disappearance from Netflix.
Art by Andy Chen and Jialin Chen