Opinions from across the school: zero band now begins ten minutes earlier

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With a growing student population at Townsend Harris, the programming office has increasingly assigned courses to zero band for more days a week than prior to the pandemic shutdown. 

Last year, AP Statistics, AP Literature, AP Language, and various selective gym class electives were placed into a zero band due to an influx of new students. This year, zero band is set to start 10 minutes earlier, at 7:05 and can be up to four days a week for select students. 

Due to the fact that classes, which were set during the school day are now scheduled for so early in the morning, students have a lot of perspectives to share on the situation. What follows is a roundup of voices on the topic, with many students saying that they prefer an earlier zero band to the alternative of adding courses to the new tenth band slot, which begins after 3:02 (but, for now, only applies to few students at THHS). 

Pragya Sharma, Senior :

“I definitely think we should keep zero band, as opposed to the alternative [late afternoon classes], which has us getting home later. The only downside is that two consecutive gym sessions in the morning is very tiring. While playing tennis two days a week, commuting to school a bit earlier is not too bad, and buses are emptier so I arrive at school quicker than any other day.”

Jasleen Banga, Freshman  : 

I was surprised [to find a zero band class on my schedule], however I knew about it [being a possibility] for a while. I’m adjusting to it well, and I actually enjoy it. [Townsend] should keep zero band in place so that students can earn lab hours without cutting into the class time.”

Zahra Imam, Sophomore : 

“Zero band is not that bad [for me] to be honest. Personally, it is upsetting that it was extended.

I think we should lessen the time for zero band… I live really far away from school and so when I get home it’s very late and I barely have enough time to finish all my homework, much less study for a whole exam.”

Malak Elzaalok, Junior

“A lot of underclassmen complained about [zero band] initially, [which is] understandable [because] getting up earlier can be annoying but [some] Townsend students enjoy a lot of other perks that make up for it. The wide variety of extracurricular activities and multiple interesting electives would not be possible [without zero band], and would make Harrisites arrive home late.”

Rachel Pyeon, Senior

“Personally, I don’t mind 0 band, but I would prefer more communication about schedules over the summer. I take AP Environmental Science (APES , so I expected a zero band. What I did not know was that it would conflict with my other classes as I have APES as a double band on those days, so I had to change my schedule three times. I cannot control the times of the classes, so I can put up with waking up early for one last year.”

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