After six years of teaching at Townsend Harris High School, Social Studies teacher Alex Wood transferred schools at the end of the 2016-2017 academic year.
Mr. Wood has moved to M.S. 839, a middle school in Brooklyn. He said that the reason for his move was the commute, which he described as “draining” and starting “to wear on [him].” Furthermore, he stated that he eventually wanted to move into an administrative position, and was concerned that the body of “outstanding students” at THHS was “not representative enough of typical urban schools.” Thus, he wanted to be more prepared to be a leader at a typical New York City school.
He recalls his time at THHS favorably, saying that he was awestruck by the students, and he feels he “[developed his] own knowledge to much greater depths.” He feels lucky to have worked at the school.
Sophomore Annlin Su says she remembers “fun times” in Mr. Wood’s AP World History class such as “fun projects and court trial simulations.” She recalls that not every day of the class was completely enjoyable but recognizes that he gave her “the push to work extra hard and it has helped a lot.”
Sophomore Cathy Chen agrees that his class was a challenge but was still fun. She says: “He definitely made learning about something that happened thousands of years ago fun.” She felt that his class was an interactive experience and that he “made sure we [the class] understood why we were learning what we were and how it connected to us thousands of years later.”
Mr. Wood, whose notable contributions to THHS comprised of the introduction of Google accounts for students and staff members, the implementation of Turnitin, and the evolution of the Election Simulation Television and Radio Show, hopes that his “most valuable legacy will be the knowledge and skills developed by students in [his] classes.” He hopes the lasting impression he leaves is one of a “teacher who pushed [students] to better themselves… [and who] tried to make [his] students take control of their own learning.”
Assistant Principal of Pupil Personnel Services Veronica York recognizes his work on the Election Simulation, saying she “loved having him on media. She also appreciates his work on the introduction of Turnitin to the school, saying “the staff loves it.” She “wishes him the best on his future endeavors.”
He remembers students as impressive because of their maturity, and stated that “anyone who works at THHS should feel lucky indeed.”