The Varsity Boys Volleyball Team ended their season on May 20 with a final 9-1 record when they lost against the Academy of American Studies, ending the game with a score of 2-1. The two seniors on the team reflected on their season as it came to an end. Senior Carl Michael Go said, “In previous years, I can definitely say that the team wasn’t as connected as we are now but now, the team feels like a real family. In terms of our performance, we’re playing better than we ever have before.” Senior Nicolas Lee added that he feels a tighter bond than previous seasons, which is shown on and off the court.
They are proud of their improvement and performance this season compared to the previous seasons. Nicolas said, “Out of my three years on the team, we are the best we’ve ever been by far. In all aspects the team has improved.” Carl said, “Physical skills aside, I also believe I have an improved mental state when playing as well. Before, I was always gripped with fear and anxiety, even when I didn’t realize it. However, after lots and lots of time reflecting on myself, I have progressively improved my mental game and that definitely helps me play better exponentially.”
Carl also compares his approach now to previous games , “Even if I made a good play, I still put myself down telling myself that I still wasn’t good enough. But slowly but surely, I changed my mindset and with time and practice, I did not only return to my previous skill level but I would even say that I surpassed it, giving me a newfound confidence in myself.”
The teammates share their opinion and performance of the seniors this season. Freshman Alessio Volpe said, “The seniors’ performance this year was amazing to me because they have so much skill and experience that they put to use in our games and practices. Carl and Nic always do their best in our games to fight for victory and I am grateful to have seen them in action.” Freshman Alex Zhang said, “The seniors have been a great role model for the underclassmen as they have been always giving me tips on how to improve my game. They are also great people and I look up to both the seniors on my team.” Junior Zephan Mewengkang said, “Though our team has been through a few ups and downs during the season, our seniors have done everything in their power to bring us back up no matter the circumstances.”
Despite only having two seniors on this year’s team, other players said they have been great role models for the underclassmen. Freshman Neo Mun said, “The seniors make me want to be a role model for the underclassmen when I also become a senior as well.” Sophomore Brian Merino said, “In my opinion the seniors really are great role models for everyone on the team. They create an environment where I personally want to strive to be a better person both on and off the court. I personally believe they paved the way for the future of the team.”
Aside from the teammates’ perspective, the seniors reflected upon their experiences leading the underclassmen this year. Carl said, “I always try my best to show them how to act, especially the newcomers who weren’t on the team last year. I hold each of them accountable when they are not acting the way they should and this applies to all the underclassmen, juniors, and sophomores, not just freshmen.” Finally, Nicolas said, “I always try to teach the underclassmen in terms of technical skills. Many times during practice I typically pause what I’m doing to give out points and helpful tips. I also try to just be a positive role model to help them with the sport.”
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