With over 10,000 instantly available streaming titles at any point in time, Netflix offers a wide variety of shows, and more importantly, documentaries.
There is a separate category for films in foreign languages, which are often used in classical language classes such as Spanish and French.
Language Teacher Ms. Sierra says, “I believe Netflix is a neat link to the entertainment realm, which can be representative of a culture. For instance, we can benefit from the accessibility of the foreign films that Netflix has to offer. These diverse choices are only a click away.”
History teacher Mr. Hackney uses Netflix as one of the multimedia components in his history through film elective.
Rather than necessarilly using Netflix in class, Social Studies teacher Mr. Wood recommends films on Netflix that broaden students’ perspectives. He suggests “Mad Men and other historic documentaries like Food Inc. and Inside Job” because students “need to learn more about the world.”
Netflix may have a controversial reputation for being the ultimate time waster, but as more people subscribe, it may prove to have many more uses in the classroom.