Big Time Rush is a popular Nickelodeon musical comedy television series that aired in November 2009. The show featured four boys, Kendall (Kendall Schmidt), Logan (Logan Henderson), Carlos (Carlos PenaVega) and James (James Maslow), who start off as hockey players from Minestosta, but evolve onceKendall becomes recruited as a solo singer by a major record company. He agrees to take part in pop group training with the condition that the record company allows his other friends to go with him. The four guys fly out to an elite talent apartment and begin their careers in Hollywood in a boy band called Big Time Rush. The show gives the audience a look behind the scenes of the members’ life as boy band members..
The show quickly gained popularity as this boy band stole the hearts of fans across the nation, including many Harrisites. Junior Anjalina Budhram recalls the show having a major part in her childhood while Freshman Audrey Lin said she “used to sing the songs in the show” as she was watching. . After running for a total of 4 seasons, the show ended in July of 2013. During the time, Kendall, Logan, Carlos, and James were also a band off screen, even going on a world tour in 2012. Some of their hit songs included: “Big Time Rush,” “Worldwide,” “Boyfriend,” “Halfway There,” “Till I Forget About You,” “Elevate,” “24/7,” and “Nothing Even Matters.” In June of 2020, Big Time Rush took to Instagram revealing a huge surprise with a virtual reunion of band members. They performed an acoustic cover of their hit song “Worldwide.”
Now, almost twelve years after Big Time Rush’s original airing, all four seasons of the show have regained popularity with its re-release on Netflix on March 29. Within the first week, the show landed a spot on Netflix’s current Top 10 in the U.S.
Harrisites expressed their excitement and nostalgia over the show’s return to Netflix as they can now rewatch the show and relive their childhood. Sophomore Larry Ejiofor said, “All 4 seasons were great, and I am happy they were added to Netflix. I do plan on watching it again because it was a good show, and also because of the nostalgia I’d feel from doing so.” Senior Zoe Tylipakis, whose first concert was Big Time Rush, said that she enjoyed watching the show as a kid with her cousins. She said rewatching the show again reminded her of the corny humor and great music.
If you’re looking for a “catchy, funny, and great show to jam out to,” as Zoe described it, be sure to watch (or re-watch) Big Time Rush on Netflix.