The Student-Run Newspaper of Townsend Harris High School at Queens College

The Classic

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The Student-Run Newspaper of Townsend Harris High School at Queens College

The Classic

The Student-Run Newspaper of Townsend Harris High School at Queens College

The Classic

Moments of Sports Awards 2024

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On Tuesday, June 4th, Townsend Harris hosted its 37th Athletic Dinner and Dance at the Douglaston Manor. During the event, organized by athletic director Ms. Caiacca, various athletes received awards for their respective sports teams, and the Girl’s Varsity Flag Football team won city championships.

You can watch a livestream of the awards ceremony on The Classic TV.

Below is a slideshow of photos taken by The Classic photographers at the event. All of the photos taken can be found in this google drive folder.

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About the Contributors
Aiden Clarke
Aiden Clarke, Features Editor
Aiden is a senior at Townsend Harris High School. When he’s not on Face Time, hanging out with his friends, or stressing to finish that one assignment he forgot about before 11:59, he likes to read, write, and learn fun facts about random things.
Isabel Jagsaran
Isabel Jagsaran, Editor-in-Chief
Isabel is a senior at Townsend Harris High School. She enjoys exploring new recipes, listening to a plethora of music genres, and kindly asking her friends to take pictures of her. Her favorite memories with The Classic involve bonding with her fellow editors in places like Boston and Albany.
Katherine Lian
Katherine Lian, Multimedia Chief
Katherine Lian is a senior at Townsend High School who enjoys taking pictures, dancing, and trying new things. Her favorite memory with The Classic was her trip to Albany with her peers.
Ryan Young
Ryan Young, Managing Editor
Ryan Young is a senior at Townsend Harris High School. He is a managing editor focused on The Classic TV YouTube channel. When he's not swimming or catching up on homework, you'll likely find him editing videos.
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