Yesterday, the sophomore grade leaders hosted a winter party that featured cookie decorating, a photo booth, and a gingerbread house competition. However, the event that drew the most attention offered students a chance to throw whipped cream pies at a group of teachers.
The teachers who agreed to be the victims of the pieing station were physics teachers David Stern and Michael Quach, English teachers Katherine Yan and Brian Sweeney, art teacher Tony Montalvo, and physical education teacher Gabriela Pedreros. “I have no idea what to expect,” said Mr. Sweeney before the event. “Am I going to get full on hit on the face with a pie or will it get smushed into my face? I have no idea, but whatever makes people happy.”
For paying the admissions price, students who wanted to join the pieing station were given whipped cream containers and paper plates. They then filled the plate with cream and either threw the plate at the teacher or walked up to them and pressed the plate into their teacher’s faces — some doing so with more force than others.
“I felt like I had it coming,” Mr. Stern said after getting pied. “I get it. I know what it’s like to be a student and want to pie your teacher. I love doing stuff like this. I thought it was a great time, and I’m glad everyone got laughs out of it.”
Aki Benjamin and Jordana Lo, the Sophomore-Freshman class presidents, worked with Sophomore Grade Leaders to plan the event.
Aki thanked the teachers who agreed to participate in the pieing station. “We have so many amazing teachers who are willing to help us out,” he said. “Because of the staff [who participated], this event was possible after weeks of preparation.”
Along with the pie activity, the cookie decorating station attracted students, as they were able to socialize with each other with an easy and peaceful activity.
Sophomore Jacqueline Campese helped run the snack station, with a twist: “We’re trying to make it more fun, asking people to do a little dance before they can get a snack.”
The event coincided with the last day of classes for the fall semester. Participants said the event offered a fitting way to destress following end of semester tests and assignments.
Sophomore Ishmal Ali said, “The winter party gave me something to look forward to while stressing after weeks of preparation for tests, and I got to hang out with my friends and take pictures.”
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