PRIOR TO our senior year, The Classic existed peripherally as aa student publication, but not much else. When Mr.Sweeney offered us the positions of sports editors, that all changed, He took a chance on us, and we have proved that he made the right choice. Without a doubt, this has been among the highlights of our school careers.
The Clave became a home for us amidst an abundance of frees, and its inhabitants, the Clavepeople, a family to whom we could always turn to for comfort, discussion and laughter.
As student-athletes, we know school spirit and team support can often be lacking. We made it our mission to awaken the dormant sports culture by covering all sports. We, along with our co-editor Bianca Dilan, give many thanks to our dedicated sports writers, who wrote weekly, if not daily. We demanded a great deal of them over the course of the year and they consistently delivered with creativity and enthusiasm. Because of their work, we published more articles in the first three months than our predecessors had in one year and more articles than any other section this year.
In addition, we extend our congratulations to the entire Townsend Harris athletic community, students, coaches and Mr. Hanson, for a remarkable season of competition, and we thank them for their support of our efforts.
As the new editors take over, we look forward to forthcoming issues to be published and will be sure to see how this more than capable group of editors handle the monumental task of sports reporting.