11 years ago, the United States intervened in the Afghan Civil War to dismantle Al-Qaeda, an Islamic terrorist group led
Many of these soldiers have been away from their families for two years and due to budget cuts, their deployment times are only increasing because the reserves to replace these soldiers are limited. For the proud families of these brave men, it is a tough time. The children have to spend months without their father. Some of these soldier-dads miss the first steps of their baby or the first word of their child. Others have missed important events such as graduations and award ceremonies–moments when a child would look for their dad in the audience to see his bright eyes filled with tears of happiness and a proud smile on his face.
On previous Father’s Days, dads deployed across Afghanistan received morale-boosts through cards from their children. Corporal Wayne Tudor was delighted to receive homemade cards from his daughter, Emily, aged 11, and son, Harry, 8. He said, “It is homemade cards like these that keep morale so high. I would like to say a big ‘thanks’ to my two wonderful kids and wife for my cards and I miss you all very much.”
Corporal Andrew Barnett, also deployed in Afghanistan, has two young boys at home, Rian, aged 2, and Jack, 15 months, and he sent the following message to his children: “Keep being good boys for mummy. Love you all loads and see you soon. Shame I can’t be celebrating Father’s Day with you but don’t worry as we will have a big celebration when I’m back.” Using our “safety” as justification for this idle war is simply not a valid reason for these fathers to lose the opportunity to forge the unique bond between a father and his child.
Although all our troops might not come back home by this Father’s Day, it should be President Obama’s top priority to bring back these loyal dads by the next Father’s Day. This war in Afghanistan has divided our nation long enough and should come to an end so that the families of these soldiers can celebrate their amazing and heroic fathers.
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