Junior Olivia Chan has won the New York State Archives Research Award for her analysis on the usage of nuclear weapons in times of war. She researched how scientists joined together to create the Pugwash organization, a coalition of scientists who lobbied to restrict the use of nuclear weapons during the Cold War. She believed that the creation of the atomic bomb changed scientists from “technocrats” into citizens responsible for the social consequences of their work. Her research also touched upon the Manhattan Project—the United States’ mission to create a weapon to attack Japan during World War II.
In addition, this year students from Townsend Harris received more total certificates of merit in the competition than any other NYS school.
Social Science Research teacher Franco Scardino is proud of Olivia, and thinks “it is very important that students know the history of events that have shaped their community.”
Olivia is eager to continue future research, saying, “I believe more students should do research because archival research is a great skill to have.”