The December edition of The Classic featured a letter to the editor that critiqued THHS for an overemphasis on Science. The following letter presents a different take on the topic.

Photo taken by Asia Acevedo
It has come to my attention that science is not fully respected in our school for preposterous reasons.
Humanists and scientists around the world are plead- ing for a balance in science and humanities. Even our science staff members, such as Ms. Brustein, Ms. Oberlander, and Mr. Porzio, support the “science is humanities” movement as they endorse the school’s science newsletter which took on the motto of “science is humanities.”
A Harvard psychologist, Steven Pinker, wrote an article titled, “Science is not your enemy.” The title itself delivers Pinker’s argument in short. Pinker argues that science and humanities should be balanced but this effort cannot be made until humanists are more open to science. He states, “The intrusion of science into the territories of the humanities has been deeply resented.” Through this Steven Pinker depicts humanists as opposing science. He adds, “It is not an imperialistic drive to occupy humanities; the promise of science is to enrich and diversify the intellectual tools of [humanism].” Steven Pinker thus, supports the view of science be- ing of aid to mankind. In everyday life, it is apparent that science has innovated our lives for the better. Since the scientific revolution and the industrial revolution, our modern day society lives with the privilege of experiencing the new scientific technology that ranges from cars to internet to phones to space travel! Without science and technology, where would our world be?
The stride towards maintaining a balance be- tween science and humanities can be done starting at home-at Townsend Harris. We the students can influence our communities now and in the future to advocate science and humanities in balance. The implementation of more science classes such as AP Biology and AP Chemistry is a great start. Also, discussions in philosophy and English classes revolving around science are actions towards the integration of the balance as well.
The balance between science and humanities is like a journey on an unstable bridge with your friend. Both must be cautious and take equal steps in order to cross the bridge safely. As Harrisites, we are capable of leaving footprints in our communities for the better—–to leave our city greater than we found it. So start today; help advocate the balance of science and humanities for a better under- standing of the world we live in. Spread the mindset like an infection; let it be known to all Harrisites and those outside of school.
This matter is of importance to the future generation of young adults—you!
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